Kevin Terry's sextape popular American gospel singer leaks online!
Ew www... I just watched it and it is utmostly disgusting! The videowhich was recorded with a cell phone camera, allegedly shows him giving another guy a blow job and loving it! The whole issue would have died off if one of his best friends Lil'Mo the lady who owns he Lilmoshow, did not raise eyebrows with her rants on twitter where she allegedly called out who ever released the video! Unknowingly confirming the video in the process! See her tweets below and continue reading the gist afterwards!
The issue was further compounded when Kevin Himself took to facebook to talk about being in the wilderness and stuff of that nature and about people not minding thier buisness on his facebook page! Hmmm! Emmmmm... the video is very explicit, biko you would find it very iritating, but i would still drop the downlod link sha (like i have an option?). See the download link after his facebook message below!
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